Today, we are pleased to announce the public release of our Segment integration. Now, you can send any customer data collected by Segment directly to Stonly to better target users with relevant in-product guidance.
Segment is a leading customer data platform that helps you collect, organize, and share user data. With access to that data in Stonly, you can create interactive onboarding, product tours, and support experiences tailored to each customer’s needs and intent.
This integration has been one of our customers' top requests. And we are proud to offer a one-click, no-code integration that makes it simple for growth-focused companies to build an effective, data-driven feature adoption strategy.
Building a feature adoption engine
By leveraging your user data, and building interactive experiences with Stonly, you can offer your customers powerful, personalized guidance.
Here are a few ways you can use Stonly and Segment to drive adoption, activation, and success:
- Targeted announcements. Each of your customers has a unique experience with your product. That’s why one-size-fits-all announcements don’t work. For example, your new or slow-adopting users might need more onboarding guidance before hearing about new features. Use your user data to decide who should receive what news (and with what messaging) based on their profile.
- Highlighting the right feature. Stonly makes it easy for you to create hotspots on features you want to make more visible. But what features should you make visible? And to which customers, and when? Track each customer’s lifecycle, and show them the features that matter most to them at that moment.
- Interactive product tours. Your users have different intents when they get to your product. With Stonly and Segment, you can trigger relevant product tours that adapt to your users' choices. Show your customers exactly what features they need to achieve their unique goals. This means accelerated activation and the opportunity to show them the rest of the product later.
- NPS surveys to the right crowd. It is always good to segment how you ask for feedback (either by active users only or people that are in certain audiences). With Stonly and Segment, you can launch your NPS surveys inside of your product and send them to the right users.

Connecting Segment to Stonly
One of Segment’s main advantages is that it’s simple to connect your data to other tools, and Stonly is no exception. To use the integration, visit{company-slug}/destinations/catalog/stonly with {company-slug} replaced by yours. Enter your API key (available in your Stonly team settings), wait a bit for the data to arrive, and you’ll be up and running.

Once the data is connected, you can use it for any trigger you create in Stonly in order to target the right crowd based on Segment attributes.

It’s been great to see how successful our beta customers have been with the Segment integration. Now, we’re excited to see what everyone can accomplish with it!
If you have any questions, please reach out. We’d love to schedule a time to show you the best practices of using Stonly and Segment to drive product adoption.