You’ve likely set up basic automations in Zendesk, but there’s a world of untapped potential that can drastically improve both support rep productivity and customer satisfaction. The problem is that most teams don’t realize how much more Zendesk can do.
That’s why we’ve put together this reference book. It’s filled with 35 Zendesk automations that will take your team to the next level. Whether you’re in charge of streamlining specific support processes or managing Zendesk at your company, this will be your new go-to resource.
Inside, you'll find ideas for automating:
Ticket management: Qualifying, assigning, prioritizing, launching the right macros, updating information, and more
Support rep processes: Gathering ticket information from customers, displaying the right knowledge for reps, helping reps make decisions, performing actions for them in other systems directly from Zendesk, and more
Get your copy today to explore new automation opportunities, select the ones that fit your needs, and implement them to speed up your customer support operations.