Fastned Drives Support Agent Consistency at Scale with Stonly

Case study with Theresa Tacite and Daniel Vischjager

With Stonly’s decision trees seamlessly integrated into Zendesk, our agents can efficiently and confidently guide customers through any scenario.

Theresa Tacite, Customer Operations Lead at Fastned

Fastned is at the forefront of European charging infrastructure development, building and operating a rapidly growing network of iconic fast charging stations.

Stonly tools
Zendesk Integration
Decision Trees

The Challenge

Enabling New Agents to Find and Use Support Knowledge Effectively

Fastned's support team helps customers troubleshoot charging station issues via phone, email, and WhatsApp. Situations can range from routine inquiries to complex incidents.

As the company scaled, agents needed help finding the right information quickly since knowledge was distributed across many locations and people. The need to rapidly onboard new agents without compromising customer satisfaction further compounded the issue. Not sure where to find the correct answers, new agents often asked more senior agents, which slowed the team’s overall response times.

Fastned sought a knowledge management solution that would act as a single source of truth for agents and show content in a decision tree format to automatically guide agents through handling every customer scenario consistently.


Step-by-Step Guidance Right at Agents’ Fingertips

Recognizing the need for easy-to-find knowledge that agents could rely on, Fastned integrated Stonly directly within Zendesk and built an internal knowledge base that is accessible during onboarding and beyond. 

Within Zendesk and the knowledge base, Stonly’s decision trees provide agents with clear, step-by-step instructions to ensure consistent communications. Now, agents can seamlessly access answers and guidance during customer interactions, which they have found particularly beneficial during phone support calls and high-stress incidents where timely answers are essential. Fastned has created decision trees covering a variety of topics, including troubleshooting charging station issues, managing accounts, and internal escalations. 

Stonly’s reporting tools also make it easy for agents to let knowledge managers know which content needs improvement. Agents can simply leave feedback by commenting on the guide itself.


Faster, More Consistent Responses to Customers

Stonly has yielded significant benefits for Fastned's support operations, including:

  • Helping agents give more consistent responses across phone and email channels. 
  • Speeding up response times since agents no longer need to hunt for solutions.
  • Giving agents a better, more scalable onboarding experience.

“Stonly’s decision tree functionality makes it much easier to create clear and easy-to-follow help content for our support team.”

~Daniel Vischjager, Customer Support Agent at Fastned