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60 Minutes

How to Turbocharge Salesforce Service Cloud for Customer Support Teams

Get the most out of your service cloud implementation.


Alexis Fogel

Co-Founder & CEO, Stonly

David Rostan

Co-Founder & Head of Revenue, Stonly

Even though Salesforce Service Cloud is the go-to system of record for many customer support teams, some leaders don’t believe they’re getting the most out of their implementation. When optimized with the proper setup and integrations, Service Cloud can help agents balance speed and support quality. 

We’ve worked with thousands of support teams over the years, and in that time, we’ve identified patterns that quickly and efficiently improve Service Cloud’s performance. Watch to discover what we’ve learned, including how to: 

  • Enable agents to resolve more issues on their own without leaving their case queue
  • Resolve 25-30% more cases before they’re submitted
  • Show agents what customers have already tried to speed up resolution times

And more!

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