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March 2, 202311:00 AM ET60 Minutes

5 Ways to Make Self-Serve Support More Proactive

Find out how the most successful companies are offering truly great self-serve support.


Alexis Fogel

Co-Founder & CEO, Stonly

Alex Friend

VP of Marketing, Stonly

Customers want to avoid submitting tickets or waiting on hold. Instead, they prefer to resolve their issues and answer their questions quickly on their own. Sadly, that’s not the reality for most customer support experiences, even with companies offering a help center or chatbot.

Over 40% of customers still don’t find their right answer using self-serve support and are forced to contact live support, according to Zendesk. That’s because reactive self-serve support, like help centers and chatbots, are too static, time-consuming, overwhelming, and difficult to navigate. And on top of that, they’re just plain frustrating because they often don’t resolve the customer’s issue quickly.

How can companies move their reactive support to a more empowering, adaptive, and human approach? By making self-serve support more proactive, giving customers the right help exactly where it’s needed—sometimes even before customers realize they need it. 

Join us to find out how the most successful companies are offering truly proactive self-serve support and driving significant results, including how to: 

  • Lower ticket volume and costs without compromising service quality
  • Adapt to each customer’s unique path to resolution
  • Get more customers to successfully self-solve
  • Enhance agent productivity and experience
  • Collect agent feedback and make quick improvements

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