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CXO Panel
60 Minutes

How Sales and Success Can Work Together to Increase Retention

Decrease churn and create happier customers with tactics from leading experts.


Will Morse

VP of Sales, Stonly

Julie Christ

Director of Global Accounts, VMWare

Lou Alexander

Director of Revenue, ProcurementIQ

Guy Galon

Executive Customer Success Consultant

Sales and customer success should be joined at the hip. Unfortunately for some teams, that's not the reality. Too often, customer success teams are left picking up the pieces when sales over promises to close the deal. Or customer success withholds feedback or expertise that could be valuable to sales as they work with prospects.

Join us to discuss how sales and customer success can work together to lower churn. We'll talk about how to:

  • Ensure sales sets expectations with customers that success and your product can deliver today
  • Align on the information that should be gathered by sales and how they'll hand it off to customer success
  • Create a feedback loop between customer success and sales to improve outreach and close more customers that will be successful with your product

    And more!

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