AI chat that will resolve most support tickets and wow your customers

Launch an AI-powered chatbot in less than a month that understands each customer question and provides the ideal experience every time.

Chatbots used to be frustrating and ineffective

Customers have grown tired of chatbots that have trouble understanding what they're asking, provide unhelpful one-size-fits-all responses and often fail to deliver an easy resolution.

Now you can provide a reliable AI chat that customers love

  • Get started quickly with your current company knowledge.
  • Generate accurate answers that include in-line links directly to the source.
  • Identify key questions and provide the right response every time.
  • Trigger actions and automate processes that currently require agent intervention.
  • Avoid frustrating customers with fallback options
    that provide the help they need.

Chatbots used to be frustrating and ineffective

Customers have grown tired of chatbots that have trouble understanding what they're asking, provide unhelpful one-size-fits-all responses and often fail to deliver an easy resolution.

Now you can provide a reliable AI chat that customers love

  • Get started quickly with your current company knowledge.
  • Generate accurate answers that include in-line links directly to the source.
  • Identify key questions and provide the right response every time.
  • Trigger actions and automate processes that currently require agent intervention.
  • Avoid frustrating customers with fallback options
    that provide the help they need.

Want to see how our AI works with your current knowledge?

We’ll show you how to launch an AI chat based on your website or help center in just a few clicks.

Generate the most accurate AI answers

AI trained on structured Stonly guides is naturally more accurate, and answers include in-line links directly to the right information. See why our AI does not hallucinate.

Control the experience when customers ask important questions

Sometimes you know customers need to follow a specific process to reach a resolution. Our AI can understand their intent and immediately deliver the guidance you specify.

Use context to provide hyper-relevant answers

Leverage your user data to personalize responses for each customer. Tailor their experience based on where they are when asking a question, and what you know about their situation.

Setup customer-friendly fallbacks that drive resolutions

When AI can’t generate an accurate answer, you can still make it easy for customers to self-serve. Set different fallbacks for different situations including troubleshooting guides, your help center, contact forms and live chat.
AI that is secure and compliant
We’re GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC 2 compliant 
and always prioritize the safety and security 
of your data.

Fewer support tickets

Give customers immediate resolutions so they don’t need to contact support. The more confident they are in your self-service options, the more they’ll use them.

Higher customer satisfaction

Since customers prefer to self-service, a better chat experience will lead to far happier customers.

Decreased handle time

Integrate with help desk tools to reduce back-and-forth if a resolution is not reached.

See how you could get started quickly with your current company knowledge