Evabot Scales Personal Guidance and Delivers Instant Customer Value at Every Key Moment with Stonly

Case study with Jetin Prasanth, Customer Success Manager at Evabot

"We can now focus on nurturing our most important enterprise customers one-on-one while helping all customers self-serve their top questions."

Jetin Prasanth, Customer Success Manager
Reduction in chat inquiries
Improvement in activation rates

EvaBot is the AI-powered Rapport Enablement platform designed to intelligently engage with every stakeholder and convert them into champions so that every deal moves forward. Through its platform, enterprise sales teams get the deal insight that only deeply personal rapport can offer - automated and integrated into the systems they already use.

Stonly tools
Step-by-step guides
Knowledge base

The Challenge

Personal interactions with every customer were no longer scalable as demand outpaced the success team’s capacity.

Evabot’s customer success managers were spending most of their time onboarding customers through one-on-one meetings. The time their CSMs spent helping every customer get started could be better spent on higher-impact projects with their enterprise accounts. On top of that, their team was spending too much time responding to chat queries and needed more customers to try using their self-serve support content before reaching out.

All of this was becoming impossible to scale, forcing the team to prioritize which customers would get one-to-one help and which would not. Rather than lowering specific customers’ experience, Evabot sought a tech touch solution that would help scale guidance without losing the human touch, which is a critical part of their platform experience.

The Solution

Automated, personalized in-app guidance that scales onboarding, adoption, and support to every customer.

With a proactive success layer that guides customers through every key moment in their lifecycle, Evabot can scale the personal touch of their CSM team to meet the demand of each account size. In addition to one-on-one time with CSMs, enterprise customers get added value from unique onboarding and troubleshooting guides built just for them. That way, even if the customer cannot reach a CSM, Evabot can be available 24/7.

Automate onboarding without losing empathy

Evabot now has automated onboarding for each type of subscription, reducing the number of one-to-one onboardings required. They also use data to build highly personalized Stonly guides that adapt to each customer in real time. For example, if a customer has not used the dashboard in a while, in-app prompts pop up to help. Customers who still need to complete their onboarding are directed to a guided tour that shows them where to go next.

Improve customer outcomes to drive retention and expansion

Evabot leverages pop-up modals and guided tours to drive deeper product adoption by maximizing platform usage. These maximize customers’ usage data to automatically check in and offer personalized, in-app guidance, just as Evabot’s CSMs would. Stonly offers another touchpoint to lead Evabot’s customers along their journey with their solution.

Efficiently support customers with questions or troubleshooting issues

Evabot launches its whole help center in the lower right-hand corner using Stonly’s in-app pill. The help center is also available externally for customers or prospects who are not logged in. This helps customers self-solve using Stonly’s interactive guides before contacting customer support or success. As customers interact with the UI, the pill launches guides that fit the page's context. For example: How do I create a gift campaign? If a customer does need to reach out, they can fill out a custom contact form that automatically routes them to the right person on Evabot’s success or support teams.

The Results

A human-centered experience that speeds time-to-value for every customer.

With Stonly’s no-code implementation, Evabot’s success team quickly launched in-app tech touch without developer or product resources. CSMs can automatically deploy personalized guidance exactly when and where their customers need it, driving instant value at every key moment throughout onboarding, retention, and growth. Activation rates improved by 10-15% year-over-year from 2021-2022. Customers on the Premium plan were activating at 50%, and customers on the Pro plan were activating at 65%.

With Stonly, Evabot reduced chat support queries by 20% every quarter in 2022. Evabot’s CSMs have also seen a drastic decline in smaller accounts reaching out for one-on-one onboarding and support inquiries. With fewer onboarding calls and lower chat volume, CSMs have more time to focus on delivering more value to their enterprise accounts.