Anedot Scales Customer Experience for Both Sides of Its Fundraising Marketplace with Stonly

Case study with Patrick O’Keefe, Vice President of Customer Experience

"Stonly is intuitive, user-friendly, and provides significantly better guidance for our customers, most of whom are not tech savvy."

Patrick O’Keefe, VP of Customer Experience

Anedot is a fundraising platform for US-based churches, political campaigns, schools, and other nonprofit organizations to build fundraising pages, and process donations from supporters worldwide.

Stonly tools
Step-by-step guides
Knowledge base

The Challenge

Anedot needed to elevate their CX to match the expectations of customer orgs and donors without hiring.

Anedot serves two different types of customers: 1) customer organizations with setup questions and 2) individual donors with troubleshooting questions.

Customer orgs expect fast, high-end support because their success relies on the donations Anedot processes for them. To ensure everything runs smoothly, the customer experience (CX) team primarily focuses on nurturing them one-on-one and providing support quickly. As they acquired more customers, Anedot identified the need for an automated solution that offers high-end, immediate support for their mid-size to smaller customer orgs. They also needed to help their large customer orgs outside regular support hours without hiring a 24/7 live support team.

On the other side of the fundraising marketplace, individual donors expect a trustworthy and empathetic experience from customer support, reassuring them that their money is going where it should. And they want to stay within the Anedot application when they need help.

Between these two groups of customers, the CX team struggled to manage a heavy ticket volume of 2,000 to 3,000 tickets per month. Many of their high-volume issues should have been self-servable, but their help center articles were lengthy, unengaging, and “overwhelming,” thus overlooked by donors and customers. Furthermore, their help center was not meeting their donor demands because they could not add it in-app, so the support experience felt disconnected, especially on mobile devices.

Anedot needed an automated solution that could provide contextual self-serve support right at the point of need, serving and deflecting tickets from all sides of its customer base.

The Solution

Stonly’s interactive knowledge base and in-app guidance proactively support both customer groups 24/7.

With no need for app developer resources, the CX team transferred all help center content from HubSpot to Stonly, which features a “step-by-step, adaptive, and highly engaging format.” With a custom Stonly knowledge base, customer orgs, donors, and prospective customers have access to 24/7 guidance directly in the Anedot app, including troubleshooting, account setup, and FAQs.

Additional in-app guidance delivers real-time support by proactively answering customer questions with tooltips introducing and explaining product features and a movable pill that suggests contextual guides that adapt to each customer profile.

To quickly mediate issues and communicate with customers, the CX team deploys Stonly triggers. In one case where there was a major bug in one of their new product releases, the team “immediately stopped a ton of tickets from coming in” by adding a banner to the exact page where most customers would discover the bug. Their team was able to focus on “crisis management,” addressing and fixing the issue in under an hour.

The Results

The CX team reduced support volume from both sides of their fundraising marketplace with self-serve help customers love.

With an 80+ CSAT and 60+ NPS score, customers are happier with their overall experience. These scores are higher than they were a year ago before the CX team added Stonly, despite many product changes throughout the year.

Anedot improved customer experience and outcomes for customer orgs and donors by unifying help into an interactive knowledge base. Customers use self-serve support more often now that it is convenient. Stonly guides offer a step-by-step format that is more effective and engaging than traditional help center articles. This unique format delivers the right content and service level for each customer org or donor.

Stonly’s proactive support cuts down customer activation and onboarding times by putting help right where it is needed, allowing them to focus on providing even better experiences to big customer orgs.

To help speed up donation times, the CX team built Stonly guides that are image-centric and light on text. Stonly empowers them to deliver complex content in a more engaging and concise format and always provides the option to contact Anedot directly.

The CX team’s content creation experience is faster and more organized since all support content, both in-app and in the knowledge base, is built, saved, and published from a single platform. Patrick mentioned, “being able to do everything in-app makes my life a lot easier.”