Empower agents to resolve cases quickly and consistently

Give reps the knowledge they need to handle every ticket, and speed up their workflows with AI and automation right in their workspace.


Improvement in average handle time

“With Stonly, client-facing teams can respond twice as fast and more accurately.”
Marco Ricciardi Senior Program Manager
Marco RicciardiSenior Program Manager
Marco Ricciardi Senior Program Manager
Marco RicciardiSenior Program Manager

Faster agent ramp time

“Our new agent onboarding went down to less than three weeks from six weeks.”
Andrea Eskanos Customer Success Enablement
Andrea EskanosCustomer Success Enablement
Andrea Eskanos Customer Success Enablement
Andrea EskanosCustomer Success Enablement

Lift in CSAT

“Stonly is intuitive, user-friendly, and provides significantly better guidance for our customers.”
Patrick O’Keefe VP of Customer Experience
Patrick O’KeefeVP of Customer Experience
Patrick O’Keefe VP of Customer Experience
Patrick O’KeefeVP of Customer Experience

Improvement in average handle time

“With Stonly, client-facing teams can respond twice as fast and more accurately.”
Marco Ricciardi Senior Program Manager
Marco RicciardiSenior Program Manager
Marco Ricciardi Senior Program Manager
Marco RicciardiSenior Program Manager

Instantly deliver the right knowledge for each ticket

When customers contacts support, give agents all the information they need to resolve the issue. Integrate your agent knowledge base with your help desk so agents never need to switch tabs or go hunting for information.

Automate time-consuming processes

Automatically fill in tickets, make updates, and launch workflows in different systems to shortcut the time it takes agents to resolve customer issues.

Use AI to assist your agents

Our AI lives right in your ticket window and provides accurate answers based on all relevant company knowledge. Agents will never need to go hunting for an answer again.

Eliminate errors with interactive decision trees

Ensure agents of all experience levels provide the same high-quality support on key issues. Break complex resolutions into easy-to-follow steps that adapt to each customer's situation.

See what our customers are saying

Stonly is allowing us to resolve contacts in a more efficient and timely manner.

Brian R.

Director, User Experience

72% of agents struggle to find the information they need. Help them work more efficiently with Stonly.