The knowledge platform for better, faster customer service

Speed up your support agents and help more customers self-serve with personalized knowledge, powerful Al and process automation.

Thousands of companies support millions of customers with Stonly



Reduction in resolution time


Decrease in support tickets


Faster agent ramp time


Reduction in resolution time

88% of customers want to self-serve. Only 13% do.

Contact support or abandon
Successfully self-serve
Contact support or abandonSuccessfully self-serve

72% of agents struggle to find the information needed to respond to customers.

Frustration, escalations, mistakes

Connect people with the right knowledge, when and where they need it

Create knowledge that can handle every customer scenario

Make guideswalkthroughschecklistsand knowledge basesthat adapt to each customer’s needs and situation to provide the right resolution.

Deliver knowledge contextually so it gets used more often

Give agentsthe guidance they need to solve each ticket in the flow of work. Empower customersto self-serve when and where they need help. Use your data to surface the right content every time.

Provide instant, accurate answers with AI

Our AI leverages your knowledge to respond to each request with the ideal solution, be it an easy answer or more in-depth guidance. It works well for every question, even the most critical and complex ones.

Easily make, maintain, and measure the impact of your knowledge

Stonly makes it easy to create great knowledge content and keep it up to date and accurate. We’ll give you the tools to collect feedback, measure, and improve the impact of knowledge on your business.

One knowledge platform for your agents and customers

Resolve customer questions
instantly with AI-powered

Resolve customer questions instantly with AI-powered self-service

Learn about self-serve support 
Improve handle time and response quality with guided decision trees for your agents

Improve handle time and response quality with guided decision trees for your agents

Learn about agent knowledge 

Integrated with your support, data, and knowledge tools

Drive real results

  • Improve service speed and quality
  • Empower more customers to self-serve
  • Ramp agents faster with less time training
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Keep knowledge accurate and up to date

Our team will help you make an impact, fast

We’ve worked with over a thousand companies, and know how to create effective support knowledge. We’ll help you identify high impact opportunities and bring them to life.

Want to see how many hours a week your support team could save?

We’ll create an ROI analysis for your company and show you the best playbooks for improving support efficiency.
Stonly G2 score 4.9
Stonly G2 score 4.9