Billable guide views

As you can see on our pricing page, Small Business and Enterprise plans have tiers depending on the number of monthly guide views. Higher tiers allow for more views but are more expensive.

A billable guide view is an external user opening a guide. If they close it and later come back, we count that as multiple billable views.

What DOESN'T count as a new billable view:

  • ❌ An internal (logged in) user opening a guide.

  • ❌ A user advancing to the next step in a guide.

  • ❌ A user seeing a guide embedded inside another guide.

Billable views in triggers and iframes

Stonly content placed on your website will count towards views as well, but how it's measured depends on whether you use triggers or iframes.


If a user sees a guide after interacting with a trigger on your website, it counts as a billable view.

If the trigger is displayed but the user doesn't engage with it (e.g. they see a help pill but don't click it), it doesn't count.


A billable view is recorded once a page loads the iframe.

When a user visits a page on which you embedded an iframed guide, it is a billable view, even if they didn't actually see or interact with the guide.

Going over the view limit

Your guides will always remain available, even if you're over your monthly view limit.

If you go over the limit two months in a row, we will notify you by email that your account is about to be upgraded to a higher tier. Then we'll proceed with the upgrade.