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Create an Employee File Manually

The video shows how to create a single employee file.
All 'RED' fields must be entered.
Here is some additional information:

Difference between 'Hiring Date' and 'Seniority Date':
  • Seniority date is the date the employee joined your company for the very first time. We make a distinction between Seniority and Hiring date as some companies' bargaining agreement require scheduling priority based on seniority.
  • The Hiring date can change over time. For example an employee going on maternity leave will have her status suspended (so that she does not appear on schedules) and when she returns her status will change to 're-hired' at a specific date. See more on Hiring Status.
Adding a Position:
  • Emprez needs to know in what capacity the employee will work. Therefore, you need to select what position(s) will be associated with this employee.
  • For the purpose of creating a new employee file, only one position needs to be selected. Additional positions can be added to the employee file upon creation or at a later date.