Introducing Stonly 2: Interactive Guidance for the Customer Journey

Stonly 2 is a full platform for improving customer adoption, on-demand support, and employee productivity.

After months of working with customers and improving our product based on their feedback, we are proud to announce the launch of Stonly 2.

With this major update, we’ve expanded on our original concept of step-by-step interactive guides to bring you an entire platform designed to engage, activate, and inform your customers and teams.

Our goal with Stonly 2 is to help you guide your customers like you know them personally. Our new features help you strategically deliver relevant information when and where your customers need it most. No code required.

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What's new?

Stonly 2 is all about building experiences that allow customers to choose their own path and receive the guidance they need at the moment they need it.

Here are the powerful new things you can do with Stonly 2:

  • Create interactive onboarding and product tours with Sequences.
  • Present the most relevant guide to each user anywhere in your website or app, using data-driven targeting.
  • Deliver help articles in a more engaging format with our new scroll-through article layout.
  • Deflect support tickets, and qualify and route customers, with custom contact forms.
  • Deploy actionable NPS surveys that let you immediately act on responses.
  • Understand how customers use your product and help content using global insights.
  • Embed scheduling tools, shipment tracking, maps, websites, and more in your Stonly guides with our new iframe special step.

Stonly 2 is built for people who love product and CX

I’m a product person at heart. Before I started Stonly, I served as the Chief Product Officer at Dashlane. I saw firsthand how difficult it is to scale support to match product growth. It takes time and resources to build a fleshed-out help center, in-app onboarding, feature adoption tools, and more. Plus, it’s hard to prioritize creating that kind of help content compared to adding new, valuable features to your core product.

With that investment in mind, it’s important to create content that effectively serves all of your customers. Each customer uses your product for different reasons. So a one-size-fits-all approach to help content will only waste your time and theirs. That’s why we built the first version of Stonly to serve customer support teams.

With Stonly 2, we’ve added several powerful features to help fill the gap between support and product. Now, Stonly guides can interact with your web and app UI to provide interactive product tours and onboarding. Both are customized to each user and adaptive to their choices and needs. You can use these sequences to activate new users, provide continuous education, or share custom messages (like release notes). All with zero coding required.

Deliver immediate, proactive help content

As a product person, I strive to build an intuitive product. But as your product gets more powerful, it will trigger questions that can’t be answered by your main UI. So, the faster you can get customers effective help content, the more likely they are to succeed with your product.

Stonly 2 makes it easy to deliver great help content to users the second they need it. With our widget, tooltips, and hotspots, you can offer immediate and proactive help without needing to push an update to your product. So customers are less likely to hit roadblocks on the path to success. And CS and product teams have help content that’s easy to update and refine.

Plus, with our new global analytics, product teams can track user behavior and use those insights to optimize the product. As you improve your product (and help content), you’ll also see a lower ticket level and churn rate and higher engagement, retention, and CSAT.

How Stonly 2 is changing the CX game

Someone who seeks support is probably already frustrated. But if you respond quickly, efficiently, and respectfully, you can turn a frustrated customer into a promoter. Stonly 2 makes that easier than ever.

Right now, most customer support follows a classic structure. All your support and product content lives elsewhere, in your help center or knowledge base, along with a contact form. Customers might read your content and still have unanswered questions (if they find and read your content at all). If that’s the case, they’ll reach out to you, and you answer their questions.

With Stonly, you can build better, more customized help content so customers can get answers without ever needing to contact you. And if they do need to contact you, you’ll be able to see everything they tried before they reached out. That way, you can pick up the problem-solving process right where your customer left off.

You’ll also have extra user insights with our new global analytics. Track which help guides and articles customers read and which steps they get to in each guide before solving their issue or reaching out. You can use these advanced analytics to strengthen your help content, so more of your customers can instantly find the right solution.

Explore our new features

For an in-depth walkthrough of each of our new Stonly 2 features, check out the Stonly guide below.

Get started with Stonly 2

If you like the sound of Stonly 2, there are two ways to get started. Book a 15-minute call with us to get a personalized account setup. Or sign up for a 14-day free trial and start creating interactive guides with Stonly today.