Release Notes - 27/06/2024


🚀  New Features

  • Action node

    • New node to enable procedure training in any environment

    • Attach to any lever, slider, button, or object and choose a target action, such as grab and touch

    • Chain multiple Action nodes for complex procedures

  • Text box node

    • Set up text boxes in the environment, to provide information in the right context

    • Highlight objects when the Text box node plays, to ensure the context of the information

  • Guide system

    • Any object active gets a yellow highlight to indicate it's the current focus of the task

    • Guides are synced across all users, to ensure users train in the correct setting

  • Scenario Player

    • Track your progress through a scenario in the Scenario Player window

    • Logs your progression with a record of actions performed and options made

  • Wrist menu

    • New VR interface for a smooth learning experience

    • Scenario information now shows up in an easily accessible menu attached to your wrist. This includes text boxes, action node instructions, and options

    • The menu can be grabbed from your wrist and placed anywhere you want

  • Scenario Builder

    • Revamped UI to decrease complexity and improve accessibility

    • Optimized data traffic to improve performance on lower-end devices

    • Improved the functionality of moving nodes, allowing you to more easily reorganize your node tree

    • Added ability to inject a node between two existing nodes

  • Scenario delivery

    • We can now deliver scenarios as part of a subscription, making them available to anyone logged in

    • Build new scenarios and expand the list with your own scenarios

  • Enhanced UI

    • Brand new UI onboarding, a fully interactive walkthrough of the desktop interface

    • Tons of smaller updates to improve the usability of CORE

    • Added a search field to the environment list and 3D object category list for ease of access

    • New interface for selecting environments and sub-environments

    • Bug report page for automatically submitting reports with log files attached

  • Go-to points

    • Create shortcuts for easily jumping between different locations in a scene

    • Go-to points can also be created as a part of an environment, to always be available

  • Drawing

    • Revamped drawing logic for improved functionality across PC and VR

    • Draw on maps

    • Draw on any object (needs to be turned on per object)

  • Settings and customizability

    • Implemented French and Ukrainian across CORE, bringing the number of languages to 5

    • Added a "Controls" tab for settings regarding movement, like move speed on PC and stick turning in VR

  • Onboarding and support

    • Get a guide on how to use CORE through "Clickable guides" in the help menu (desktop only)

    • Get answers to your CORE questions through the knowledge base, located on your tablet menu (VR)

🔧  Fixes

  • Long list of fixes since version 2.0

  • Fixed major issue with VR hand controllers losing functionality after performing certain actions

  • Fixed issues with drawing, like lines on whiteboards not following the object, drawings not loading correctly if you join a session late, and unwanted lines when drawing on a map.