Welcome to Stonly: A New Format for Explaining Things

Welcome to the Stonly blog. As we are working hard to redefine the way people share knowledge, we will share here content about our journey and our learnings. We will also share best practices on customer care as well as useful explanations on topics we care about.

Ok thanks, but... what is Stonly?

In a nutshell, Stonly is a service empowering people to create interactive step-by-step guides to explain pretty much anything. The goal is to provide high-quality content tailored for each viewer. This can be used by support teams to improve customer success or to train employees. For instance, below is a Stonly, explaining how to manage your privacy on facebook:

Sounds interesting, how did you get idea?

Prior to founding Stonly with Kris, I co-founded Dashlane - the leading credential and digital identity management solution - and was running product there. Since password management is an issue everybody has, my goal was to make our solution as easy to use as possible so that even non tech savvy people could benefit from it. As we scaled and got millions of users, we started being faced with people using our product on Mac, Pc, iOS, Android and Linux with extensions on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, so needless to say that we had a lot of different cases to handle from a support and user care point of view. Dashlane has always tried to provide the best support experience possible and therefore as the number of users grew, so did our support needs. Long story short, I started thinking about a product way to both improve our customer experience as well as helping us scaling our support and Stonly is the result of ideation process. I got so good feedback on the concept by peers that I decided to make it a real company and here we are.

Cool, can I use it?

Yes, but since we are still in close beta, you will have to shoot us an email to get access. You can contact us at the following address: contact@stonly.com.